Multi-angle particle size analyzer Photocor Complex

Photocor Complex are based on the static and dynamic light scattering. This technique is ideal for measurements of nanoparticle size, diffusion coefficient, and molecular weight of polymers in solutions. A traditional design of the Photocor Complex is optimal for a wide range of applications: from simple industrial tests to the most advanced research tasks. Measurement procedure and powerful software are suitable for any level of users.

Photocor Complex


  • Full-featured multi-angle dynamic and static light scattering, fast measurements, real-time size monitoring of nanoparticles
  • Modular architecture, rigid design, no optical table needed, easily configurable by user
  • Easy-to-prepare samples, suitable for various commercial sample cells and vials, replaceable index-matching vat system
  • Stepper-motor controlled turntable, compatibility with various APD photon counting systems
  • Unique flex-logic single-board correlator, linear and multiple-tau time scale, upgrade of hardware configurations
  • Original light-scattering geometry for particle sizing of opaque dispersions
  • Exceptional quality and reliability with all light scattering features for optimal price


Measurement range Particle size: 0.5 nm to 10 µm 1 (diameter)
Diffusion coefficient: 10-5 ... 10-10 cm2/s
Molecular weight: 1000 Da ... 20 MDa
Sample volume 50 µL to 20 mL
Scattering angle 10° ... 150°, accuracy 0.01°, stepper-motor controlled turntable
Signal processing Auto- and cross-correlation operation modes. Linear and logarithmic (multiple-tau) time scale. True real-time operation up to the fastest sample-time of 10 ns
Laser TEC stabilized diode laser 638 nm, 25 mW 3
Thermostat Temperature range: 5°С - 80°С, accuracy 0.1°С
(thermoelectric module)
Dimensions / weight / power 400 x 400 x 180 mm / 14 kg / 220(230) V, 85 W

1 - depends on the optical characteristics of the samples
2 - available option
3 - other models are available upon request